Sunday, January 27, 2013

Progress Is Progress

This past weekend I had one of my very best friends come and visit me. This always makes it difficult to stay on track with healthy eating and working out. However, I noticed change within myself. I still had more bad meals than good, BUT there were still good. I also didn't work out as hard as I have been, but I was active and walking around all day plus I DID work out on Sunday after she left. To me these are different changes that I would not have done before. Also, I did not and do not feel guilty for having an "off track" weekend and that is BIG. Normally I would and that is where the struggle would set in. I would think "oh gosh I slipped up so much, I failed, there is not hoo" GAH SO ANNOYING RIGHT!!!? Well not this time, this time it was "so I had a few bad meals, well I also picked a few good too when I could of just ate bad the whole time. I also worked out too and normally I would never have done that. So no, I didn't fail. No I wasn't as good as I should be, but it's done now and the week starts and I'll continue to push and be focused like I was EVEN this weekend when I wasn't as "good"".
PROGRESS IS PROGRESS....might be slow, might come and go. Doing it and continue to do it is what matters though, because not doing it will most definitely NOT get you there either.
This is week three and so far my only change is within my mind. That is OK because as I said previously my biggest struggle is believing and well now, now I'm believing. I may never have seen my body be the way I am wanting to get it, but that does not mean that it can't look the way I am going to make it. PROGRESS IS PROGRESS and I'll take it any way I can get it.
Week Three Goals:
-do Insanity workout at least twice a week
-drink lots of water
-continue to be positive and talk more with supporters that are far away
-Gym 6x a week (Insanity will count as my toning for now...)
-Eat healthy and not let my "slips" over the weekend distract me from continuing to do well
My reason for adding Insanity this week and only two days vs the 60 day Challenge that it really is, is because of another struggle. I love Turbo Fire and Insanity and for those of you who know or don't know these are challenges that you do every day and get a calender to follow to finish in 60-90 days. Well I always seem to get thrown off the challenge because I'd work a 12hr shift, or friends would visit, or something would come up where I would get off on the Day that I'm suppose to be doing so then I'd think "oh gosh have to wait til that day rolls around again and then hit it hard" WEEELLLL I realize that is dumb reason to not do it, to always get thrown off, and think I fail at the challenge. SO I have decided to say SCREW THE DAY, FOCUS ON THE WORKOUT. I will be doing the Insanity workout, and on the days that I don't I'll be doing other workouts, I also would like to do extra cardio on the days I do actually do Insanity. I will do EVERY workout, but I wont care about the day. If I do two days in a row great(or more), but can't do the next no big deal I'll do whatever workout I can and then whenever the next day rolls around that I can do the Insanity work out, I'll start out where I left off. Soooo no I guess technically it's still not doing the challenge cause it is not done in 60days but I'll still do EVERY work out and to me that's the whole point. Plus I'll be doing other workouts, and no if I don't do the Insanity I wont do nothing, I'll just do something else. I'm proud of this idea of mine and excited to see where it brings me. Why punish myself for the failure of a time frame when PROGRESS IS PROGRESS and what counts is the WORK OUT!!
What's Your Progress?

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